• A New Tool To Help Understand Partisan News in the US

    The latest Zelda game is being covered a lot more in Democrat-serving online news sites. That’s one of the first random tidbits I noticed in “On Our Own Terms”, a new tool built by Claire Pan and I as part of the Media Could project.


  • Upcoming AMC FAccT Talk: Towards Intersectional Feminist and Participatory ML

    We’ll be presenting our collaborative work on the Data Against Feminicide project at the 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency. We’re very excited to put forward this work as a case study in intersectional feminist and participatory approaches to machine learn...

  • Upcoming talk at PaCSS'22: Partisan Media Coverage and Intersectionality

    I’ll be speaking at the 2022 Politics and Computational Social Science conference today with my colleague Meg Heckman. We’ll be presenting work, with Emily Boardman Ndulue, that took an intersectional lens to analyzing how online news media covered the election of current US Vice Presid...

  • Helping Computers Find Food in Text

    Computers are good at processing large amounts of information, but bad at intuiting what that information actually is. For an ongoing research project looking at mentions of food in online media, we’re trying to help computers get better at recognizing entities in unstructured text. Giv...

  • Understanding the 2020 “Racial Reckoning” In the Media

    Just over two years ago, on May 25th, 2020, George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. The shocking video of the incident quickly circulated across the internet through social media. Mr. Floyd’s murder sparked countless protests across the country and globe ...

  • Upcoming Talk at C+J'22 Conference: News as Data for Activists

    I’ll be speaking at the 2022 Computation + Journalism conference, hosted at Columbia University from June 9-11. I’ll be presenting a paper on the software architecture supporting the Data Against Feminicide project.

  • ICA'22 Poster: Politicization and Polarization of Pandemic News Coverage

    I’m excited to join a large team of Northeastern collaborators to present ongoing work at the International Communication Association 2022 Conference. I supported the data acquisiton and analysis pieces of this work by Larissa Doroshenko, Ryan Gallagher, Shreya Singh, and Brook Foucault...


  • Finding Tweets in Online News

    The use of embedded content from Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and other platforms has grown to become a norm in online news content. When these platforms emerged journalists employed existing industry norms to treat them like traditional sources - content that needed verification, vetting,...

  • Swiped: How dating apps harm marginalized communities

    We started out investigating media coverage of LGBTQ+-specific data breach issues, yet race and racism are unavoidable. Potential harms from online dating apps are constant, but our attention to these issues should extend far beyond the pandemic.


  • Pandemic news coverage is falling, but cases keep rising

    The Covid-19 pandemic has yielded unprecedented media coverage. Over the last six months, no single topic has taken over online news quite like the coronavirus has. In fact, at its peak in late March, almost 75% of all stories in top U.S. online media sources mentioned coronavirus in so...