Posts by Rahul Bhargava

Rahul Bhargava
Rahul Bhargava

Assistant Professor, Journalism and Art + Design, Northeastern University

šŸ“Ø - on email
šŸ¦ - @rahulbot on Twitter
šŸŒŽ - on the web

  • New Strategies for Using Artificial Intelligence in Journalism

    Hereā€™s the fifth in my series of round-ups on the latest in artificial intelligence and journalism. This time around it feels like the rubber has really hit the road, with lots of work on strategies and examples being shared around the web.

  • How can AI help us study the news? Here are my experiments with LLM-based query generation.

    To understand politics, economics, events and health communication in the news, researchers study large sets of articles from online news sources. Media Cloud, a project that I co-lead, holds a historical archive of over 1.5 billion stories from over 100,000 sources and has been used to...

  • Spring updates on artificial intelligence and journalism

    Hereā€™s the fourth in my series of round-ups on the latest in artificial intelligence and journalism. Budding uses of AI in newsrooms

  • Your start of the year updates on artificial intelligence in journalism are here

    This is third in my series of round-ups on the latest in artificial intelligence and journalism. Here are some recent links you might want to read.

  • Here are the updates you need on artificial intelligence in journalism

    Iā€™m continuing my series of round-ups on artificial intelligence and journalism. Here are some recent links you might want to read.

  • Here are the latest updates on artificial intelligence in journalism

    It seems like artificial intelligence is everywhere in the news, particularly in digital journalism circles. Iā€™m keeping an eye on ongoing developments and will share an occasional round-up of links that might be relevant to you. Hereā€™s what was happening in the last few weeks.

  • A New Tool To Help Understand Partisan News in the US

    The latest Zelda game is being covered a lot more in Democrat-serving online news sites. Thatā€™s one of the first random tidbits I noticed in ā€œOn Our Own Termsā€, a new tool built by Claire Pan and I as part of the Media Could project.

  • Teaching Physical Computing with Mini-Mini Golf šŸ¤–ā›³ļøšŸŽ‰

    My family knows one thing about vacationing with me: if weā€™re anywhere near a mini-golf course weā€™ll have to stop and play it. Waterfalls, windmills, pirates, animals ā€” I love it all. This semester I was teaching Physical Computing course again, and I wonderedā€¦ could I combine my love o...

  • Data journalism? You can do it.

    Data is still hot, but the new skills, math, and technologies can feel overwhelming. In my experience journalism students and professionals approach learning data journalism with both excitement and trepidation. However, over a decade of teaching data literacy to many types of learners ...

  • Digital Storytelling to Support Connective Journalism

    Journalism serves many roles in society - informative, investigative, normative, and more. As the tools and pratices of interactive digital storytelling continue to grow, how can they help the connective role journalism plays in society? Read on for some background and a recent experim...

  • New Paper: Taking Data Feminism to School

    Excited to share a new paper out in the British Journal of Educational Technology. I worked with collaborators to assess what data feminism looks like in K-12 data science education. We retrospectively review 42 youth data programs and projects, assessing each against the key principles...

  • Upcoming AMC FAccT Talk: Towards Intersectional Feminist and Participatory ML

    Weā€™ll be presenting our collaborative work on the Data Against Feminicide project at the 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency. Weā€™re very excited to put forward this work as a case study in intersectional feminist and participatory approaches to machine learn...

  • Upcoming talk at PaCSS'22: Partisan Media Coverage and Intersectionality

    Iā€™ll be speaking at the 2022 Politics and Computational Social Science conference today with my colleague Meg Heckman. Weā€™ll be presenting work, with Emily Boardman Ndulue, that took an intersectional lens to analyzing how online news media covered the election of current US Vice Presid...

  • Upcoming Talk at C+J'22 Conference: News as Data for Activists

    Iā€™ll be speaking at the 2022 Computation + Journalism conference, hosted at Columbia University from June 9-11. Iā€™ll be presenting a paper on the software architecture supporting the Data Against Feminicide project.

  • ICA'22 Poster: Politicization and Polarization of Pandemic News Coverage

    Iā€™m excited to join a large team of Northeastern collaborators to present ongoing work at the International Communication Association 2022 Conference. I supported the data acquisiton and analysis pieces of this work by Larissa Doroshenko, Ryan Gallagher, Shreya Singh, and Brook Foucault...

  • A Portable Electic Warming Blanket

    My brother-in-law Alex has been in a wheelchair since an accident a few years ago. Being tinkerers, weā€™ve had fun brainstorming assistive technologies that might fill various needs that have come up for him. Early on this involved digging into products that exist already, but more recen...

  • Advocating for Food Security with a Data Sculpture

    The pandemic has affected so many aspects of our lives, amplifying disparities and challenges that already existed. For far too many households simply having access to enough food to eat is a daily challenge. During the early months of the COVID pandemic, an average of 1,659 new househo...

  • 2020 - Year of the Data Sculpture?

    The hype around data continues unabated, with the processes of quantitative analysis seeping into more and more of our lives. From government policies, to business decision making, quantitative data have become central to a growing part of peopleā€™s lives. We are presented daily with ch...

  • Is it windier, or is it just me?

    Boston is slowly emerging from its pandemic winter of isolation. As evidence mounts on the relative low risk of being outdoors and acquiring COVID, and with spring weather unfurling its warming embrace, people are rediscovering the outdoors. Weā€™re heading outside in droves. Iā€™ve persona...

  • Panel talk on Data Against Feminism Project 4/9/2021

    Iā€™ll speaking on April 9th with on the Angeles Martinez Cuba (of MITā€™s Data + Feminism Lab) on the ā€œGood Data / Data for [Public] Goodā€ Panel at the NULabā€™s Annual Spring Conference. Weā€™ll be discussing some of the under-construction technology co-design work we are doing with global ad...

  • Talk - Get off the screen!!! 4/1/2021

    Iā€™ll speaking on April 1st as part of the ART/DATA/HEALTH Seminar series, which focuses on communicating public health data creatively during the pandemic (hosted by the University of Brighton). Register now.

  • Talk - The Physical Life of Data

    Iā€™m excited to be speaking with my collaborator Laura Perovich about our Embodying Information project at the Northeastern University Center for Designā€™s panel on ā€œThe Physical Life of Dataā€. This panel talk is on Thursday Jan 28,2021 at 12pm (Boston time).

  • Workshop for Librarians - How to "Speak Data"

    We will be leading a virtual workshop for the Network of the National Library of Medicine. This online workshop is targetted at public librarians across the US. It is scheduled for Tuesday Dec 15th at 2pm EST. Register Now!

  • Paper: Pandemic Pedagogy @ IEEE Vis 2020

    The pandemic has created significant teaching challenges for data visualization educators. Classroom-based hands-on activities donā€™t readily translate into engaging online experiences. This paper lays out three guiding principles I used to make this transition - maintaining learning g...

  • Pandemic news coverage is falling, but cases keep rising

    The Covid-19 pandemic has yielded unprecedented media coverage. Over the last six months, no single topic has taken over online news quite like the coronavirus has. In fact, at its peak in late March, almost 75% of all stories in top U.S. online media sources mentioned coronavirus in so...

  • Welcome

    Welcome to the online home of the Data Culture Group at Northeastern University. We are an interdisciplinary research group led by Professor Rahul Bhargava, housed in the College of Arts, Media and Design.

Northeastern University